We realize that a single listing service will not work for everyone, and are focused on innovative solutions for different situations We provide many options and service levels designed to save you money in these economic times. Here is just a sampling of the listing services we offer:
Listing Plans
Being an independent brokerage give us the flexibility to offer a variety of custom listing services. Please contact one of our agents anytime to discuss. We offer completely traditional full-service listings as well as discount or flat-fee listings.
Need to know what your home might sell for? Request a Comparable Market Analysis to get an estimate of the fair market value of your home in today’s market.
Here are some examples of our current listings. Some of these are traditional and some are flat-fee.
If you have not yet selected your next home, please check out out Buyer Services. If you let us help you in your next purchase, we can do even more to save you on the sale of your current home! More Equity in Your Pocket!
We have experience & training in handling pre-foreclosure and short-sale situations. If you are having trouble meeting your monthly mortgage, and need help quickly, please contact us as soon as possible. We have options to get your situation resolved, but it is important to move quickly!